Behavior Consultation And Parent Training

Parent Training

JAC’s ABA services incorporate parent training as a central aspect of our treatment model. Parent training occurs in group settings as well as on an individual basis. Our parent training program will teach you how to increase you child’s skills while reducing challenging behaviors using a range of evidence-based practices.

Here are some examples of strategies used in JAC’s parent training:
  • Practical elements of Parent-Child Interactive Therapy (PCIT),
  • Training on the child’s specific EIBI/ABA services to promote a strong understanding of how these interventions work while ensuring that they can be applied in the home,
  • Live on-site demonstration and parent coaching,
  • Training on managing challenging behaviors in the home and community,
  • Parent support groups

Behavior Consultation

Staff at JumpStart Autism Center are frequently asked to help families address specific challenging behaviors. For those families who are currently receiving ABA services through JAC, their comprehensive ABA programs will specifically address challenging behaviors.

Families who are on our wait list to receive ABA services can start behavior consultation services immediately. Through behavior consultation we will start to identify the antecedents and consequences that are maintaining your child’s challenging behaviors. After completing a behavioral assessment (e.g., intake interview, observations, and completion of the Motivational Assessment Scale & Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised), we can then provide specific training on how to increase alternative or replacement behaviors while decreasing challenging behaviors.

Our behavior consultation services will begin at our center, but will also be provided in the families’ home and community. If you have questions about behavioral consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact us today to learn more about behavior consultation and parent training.

Contact Today

Services in Colorado

Denver, CO
(303) 284-7328

Services in New Mexico

Albuquerque , NM
Rio Rancho, NM
(505) 828-3837

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