Welcome to the Accelerated Learning Lab at JumpStart Autism Center

For the last several years, we have been working hard to refine our use of evidence-based interventions, individualized instruction and effective teaching methodologies to applications in the science of teaching and learning while still maintaining the tenets of our discipline. Part of this refinement process has included the development of a specialized academic program to address the needs of learners that often cannot be incorporated into medically funded services. Our mission is to accelerate every child’s learning by harnessing the science of teaching and learning, evidence-based curricula, and cutting-edge performance monitoring practices. Unlike traditional education, we approach every child as a unique learner who deserves an individualized instructional approach founded in science in order to change their academic trajectory.

Individualized, Evidence-Based Instruction

At the Accelerated Learning Lab, we use evidence-based, data-driven instructional methods to maximize each child’s academic progress. Unlike traditional educational services, we prioritize the learner’s individual needs then address those needs using Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction. Additionally, by focusing on fluency as a measure of true mastery, our program develops agile learners who can retain skills without practice, use skills for longer periods of time, demonstrate those skills in distracting environments, and acquire new and novel higher-level skills without intensive instruction.

Fluency Makes the Difference

In order to accelerate learning for children of all abilities, fluency is key. Behavioral fluency, or fluency for short, is the ability to engage in a behavior or skill effortlessly and accurately. In other words, demonstrating a fluent skill is automatic for the performer. Examples of fluent performances include Michael Jordan’s jump shot, an accountant completing a mathematical computation in his head, or a newspaper editor reading an article. All of these individuals perform their skill without hesitation and with near perfection. Fluency can, and should, be found in academic performers as well. The Lab’s teaching methods specifically use fluency as a measure of mastery to build and accelerate learning to the highest standards.

Academic Areas Targeted

Our programs can address skills in any or all of the following areas based on the child’s individual needs and grade level:

  • Academic Readiness
  • Reading 
  • Reading & Language Comprehension 
  • Mathematics 
  • Handwriting 

Additional Support Services 

  • Hybrid & Virtual Education Support
  • Homeschool Evaluation & Support

Accelerated Learning Lab FAQs

Do you have questions about the Accelerated Learning Lab? Search through our FAQs to learn more.

Get Started

Take the first steps to get more information on our Accelerated Learning Lab at JAC and to begin the enrollment process.

Meet Our Educational Team

Get to know our highly skilled team that is dedicated to supporting learners of all abilities.

Services in Colorado

Denver, CO
(303) 284-7328

Services in New Mexico

Albuquerque , NM
Rio Rancho, NM
(505) 828-3837

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